admin 30.09.2024

МРНТИ 10.85.41

УДК 343.982.57

Kondakov Alexander Vladimirovich — head of the department of forensic expertise and operational investigative activities of the faculty of criminology training of the Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education «St. Petersburg academy of the Investigative committee of the Russian Federation», candidate of law, associate professor (Russian Federation, St. Petersburg)


Annotation. In the article, based on the analysis of expert and investigative practice, topical issues of large-scale photography are considered. The importance of using modern technical and forensic tools used in the framework of inspections of accident sites is shown. The problems of using large-scale rulers in various conditions of photographing traces and objects of crime are named. The author focuses on the dependence of the use of photo fixation tools and the results obtained in this case. The special importance of the correct photographing of objects and traces of crime is noted in their further expert examination of photographic images. Based on the analysis of typical errors in the use of technical and forensic means of large-scale photography in the framework of inspections of accident sites, effective algorithms for their prevention are proposed. Much attention is paid to the development of recommendations for overcoming the difficulties encountered in large-scale photography in the UV zone of the spectrum, determining the degree of curvature of an object from a photographic image, as well as its color characteristics from a photographic image. The main one of which can be called the technically advanced design of the scale line. The approbation of the proposed design changes of the scale line indicates the effectiveness of its application to further study the objects recorded in photographic images, assess the imprinted signs and properties of objects and traces of crime.

Keywords: large-scale photography, forensic ruler, spectrum zone, forensic photography, photographic fixation, traces of crime, photographing, scene of the incident, means of forensic photography, forensic equipment.

Кондаков Александр Владимирович — «Ресей Федерациясы Тергеу комитетінің Санкт-Петербург академиясы» ЖБ ФМҚБМ-нің Криминалистерді даярлау факультетінің сот-сараптама және жедел-іздестіру қызметі бөлімінің меңгерушісі, заң кандидаты, доцент (Ресей Федерациясы, Санкт-Петербург қ.)


Түйін. Мақалада сараптамалық және тергеу практикасын талдау негізінде ауқым­ды фотоға түсіруді жүзеге асырудың өзекті мәселелері қарастырылған. Оқиға орындарын тексеру шеңберінде қолданылатын қазіргі заманғы техникалық-криминалистикалық құралдарды пайдаланудың маңыздылығы көрсетілген. Қыл­мыс іздері мен объектілерін фотофиксациялаудың әртүрлі жағдайларында масш­табты сызғыштарды қолдану проблемалары аталған. Автор фотофиксация құрал­дарын пайдалану тәуелділігіне және алынған нәтижелерге назар аударады. Фото­су­реттер бойынша одан әрі сараптамалық зерттеу кезінде объектілерді және қыл­мыс іздерін дұрыс суретке түсірудің ерекше маңызы бар. Оқиға орындарын тексе­ру шеңберінде масштабты суретке түсірудің техникалық-криминалистикалық құ­рал­дарын қолданудың типтік қателіктерін талдауға сүйене отырып, олардың ал­дын алудың тиімді алгоритмдері ұсынылады. Спектрдің ультракүлгін аймағында мас­штабты суретке түсіру кезінде туындайтын қиындықтарды жеңу, фотокескін бойынша объектінің қисықтық дәрежесін анықтау, сондай-ақ фотокескін бойынша оның түс сипаттамаларын анықтау бойынша ұсыныстарды әзірлеуге көп көңіл бөлі­неді. Олардың негізгісін масштабты сызғыштың техникалық жетілдірілген ди­зайны деп атауға болады. Масштабты сызғыштың ұсынылған конструктивті өзге­ріс­терін сынақтан өткізу фотосуреттерде тіркелген объектілерді кейіннен зерттеу, объектілердің белгілері мен қасиеттерін және қылмыс іздерін бағалау мақсатында оны қолданудың тиімділігін көрсетеді.

Түйінді сөздер: ауқымды суретке түсіру, криминалистикалық сызғыш, спектр аймағы, криминалистикалық фотосурет, фотофиксация, қылмыс іздері, суретке түсіру, оқиға орны, криминалистикалық фотосурет құралдары, крими­налистикалық техника.

Кондаков Александр Владимирович — заведующий кафедрой судебно-экспертной и оперативно-розыскной деятельности факультета подготовки криминалистов ФГКОУ ВО «Санкт-Петербургская академия Следственного комитета Российской Федерации», кандидат юридических наук, доцент (Российская Федерация, Санкт-Петербург)


Аннотация. В статье, на основе анализа экспертной и следственной практики, рассмотрены актуальные вопросы осуществления масштабной фотосъемки. Пока­за­но значение использования современных технико-криминалистических средств, при­меняемых в рамках осмотров мест происшествий. Названы проблемы примене­ния масштабных линеек в различных условиях фотофиксации следов и объектов прес­тупления. Автор акцентирует внимание на зависимости использования средств фотофиксации и получаемых при этом результатах. Отмечается особое зна­чение правильной фотосъемки объектов и следов преступления при даль­ней­шем их экспертном исследовании по фотоизображениям. Основываясь на анализе ти­пичных ошибок использования технико-криминалистических средств масшта­бной фотосъемки в рамках осмотров мест происшествий, предлагаются действен­ные алгоритмы их предотвращения. Большое внимание уделено разработке реко­мен­дации по преодолению возникающих сложностей при масштабной фотосъемке в УФ зоне спектра, определения степени искривлённости объекта по фотоизоб­ра­жению, а также его цветовой характеристики по фотоизображению. Основной из которых можно назвать технически усовершенствованную конструкцию масштаб­ной линейки. Апробация предложенных конструктивных изменений масштабной линейки свидетельствует о эффективности ее применения с целью последующего ис­следования объектов, зафиксированных на фотоизображениях, оценки запечат­лен­ных признаков и свойств объектов и следов преступления.

Ключевые слова: масштабная фотосъемка, криминалистическая линейка, зона спектра, криминалистическая фотография, фотофиксация, следы преступ­ления, фотографирование, место происшествия, средства криминалистической фотосъемки, криминалистическая техника.


Introduction. The relevance of the issue of correct color rendition in color photographs when fixing forensically significant objects arose from the beginning of the use of color photography. Currently, with the use of digital technologies, its relevance has become even more obvious.

Photographing forensically significant objects quite often requires accurate reproduction and subsequently the ability to evaluate the color characteristics of the photographed object by the photo image. This circumstance raises the question of introducing objective methods for monitoring the accuracy of reproduction of the color characteristics of the recorded object in the photograph into expert practice for all interested parties.

Considering the issue of objective color rendition, it should be noted that the distortion of color and its shades, when photographing, occurs for a number of reasons. Among which are: incorrectly selected lighting of the photographed object; the presence of color rendition effects intentionally embedded by the manufacturer of the equipment in order to achieve greater realism of the resulting images[1]. Research by manufacturers has shown that it is preferable to depict European skin as more tanned than it actually is, grass as a richer green, and the sky as having less purple[2]. When considering the issue of photographic recording of objects of undoubted interest for the purposes of investigating a crime, it is unacceptable to allow the possibility of distorting reality.

Materials and methods. Currently, in the context of photographic recording of forensically significant objects, forensic specialists widely use digital photo and video cameras, which, when receiving a color image, determine the code for each color in accordance with the adaptive color model RGB. The process of color rendering of these devices can be reproduced with distortions due to the conditions of photography, as well as the technical characteristics of the devices for obtaining images, programs for their processing. In solving this problem, manufacturers of printed products, in order to correctly reproduce colors, use various standards for color management systems, testing of image input and output devices2.

In addition to the objectivity of the image color assessment, when examining and evaluating the evidence obtained, there is a need to establish the quantitative characteristics of the recorded objects, achieved through measurements, including from a photographic image.

Determining the true dimensions of objects from a photographic image becomes possible by using methods of measuring photography, namely, scale photography.

The main attribute of which is a widely used scale ruler.

Certain difficulties in photographic recording of objects of inspection of the crime scene arise when it is necessary to shoot traces of a crime that are not visible to the naked eye of a person and are detected using UV light sources, as well as when photographing objects of study and their features in the UV spectrum during forensic examinations. Such traces include traces of biological origin, traces of a close shot, petroleum products, flammable and lubricating materials formed on dark surfaces, filled in and crossed out texts, etc. Traditionally, when photographing small forensically significant objects in forensic science[3] and forensic medicine[4], either homemade scale rulers made of paper with millimeter divisions or ordinary student rulers (wooden, plastic, etc.) are used.[5]. All these rulers have a number of significant drawbacks, including the following. Homemade and school rulers do not comply with GOST, they are characterized by a change in the primary linear shape and millimeter markings due to long-term use, the appearance of glare on the surface of the ruler when photographing an object, insufficient contrast of the millimeter markings. Metal rulers, although they comply with GOST, do not provide the necessary contrast.

Particularly difficult situations are in case of non-compliance with the rules of large-scale photography, when the fixed object is captured with curvatures, distortions of its dimensional characteristics. Such situations arise when the camera is incorrectly positioned relative to the object being photographed, when the optical axis passing through the center of the lens is not directed to the center of the trace, is not perpendicular. It becomes almost impossible to establish the dimensional characteristics of an object from its image, even with a scale ruler. Thus, modern expert practice requires the implementation of large-scale photography tasks at a qualitatively different level. The solution of which becomes possible with the expansion of the functionality of the ruler for large-scale photography, due to giving it fluorescent ability, as well as characteristics that allow determining the degree of curvature and the color of the object, assessing and measuring the quality of tone transfer from the photo image. The technical problem determined by the needs for the implementation of photo fixation of forensically significant objects in the UV zone of the spectrum, with the subsequent ability to determine the color characteristics of the object and the degree of its curvature can be solved by using a scale ruler with a matte surface[6], the millimeter marking of which would have measuring elements in the form of circles and made with fluorescent dye, as well as a scale with a gray gradation and a color scale[7].

An example of using a ruler for large-scale measuring photo recording of objects and their traces at the scene of a crime.

The ruler allows for the actual measurement and detailed large-scale photo recording of various objects without glare, both in the visible region and in the UV zone of the spectrum, using the contrasting millimeter digital markings on its surface, due to the fluorescent millimeter digital markings. The presence of figures in the form of circles along the edges of the ruler allows for the vertical position of the camera relative to the object being photographed to be determined from the photographic image (which is required by the rules of large-scale photography). The color scale on the ruler allows for the color of the object to be determined from the resulting photographic image, and for the fact that the specialist used light filters when photographing. The scale with gradation of shades of gray allows for the quality of tone rendering to be assessed and measured from the photographic image.

Results. The proposed technical solution is implemented as follows. A device — a ruler for large-scale photo and video shooting is delivered to the scene of the crime in a forensic suitcase. The device is used if necessary. For example, for large-scale photographing of an object located on the floor surface (ground). The device is placed on the surface in the immediate vicinity of the object, but without covering or masking it, the ruler should be in the same plane as the object, while the optical axis of the lens should be directed to the center and perpendicular to the plane of the trace. Photographic fixation is performed using a camera or video camera. If necessary, before starting photography, a UV illuminator is turned on (for example, «OLD-41», «Taran-3M»).

To determine the correct position of the camera at the time of photography and from the photo image, the circles on the edges of the ruler are used. Any deviation of the optical axis from the perpendicular to the plane of the object will change the shape of the circles.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the proposed line, due to its small size, light weight, ability not to accumulate odors, ease of transportation and ease of use, can be used for direct measurement and large-scale photography of traces of crimes and bodily injuries with any cameras and video cameras at crime scenes and in stationary conditions (laboratory), including in the UV spectrum zone.


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Список литературы

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