МРНТИ 14.07.07
УДК 378.14
Guzikova Valentina Victorovna — associate professor of the department of foreign languages at the Ural law institute of the Ministry of internal affairs of Russia, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation)
Annotation. The article is devoted to the role of integrative processes taking place in the modern system of higher education and in the field of teaching a foreign language. The author provides an analysis of various ways of defining the term «foreign language communicative competence» and its structural elements. An attempt is made to identify the distinctive features and the need to use an integrative approach in the formation of students’ foreign language communication skills and to substantiate the levels of integration within the framework of teaching a foreign language. In conclusion, the author notes the broad possibilities and prospects of an integrative approach aimed at improving the quality of language training in a non-linguistic educational organization.
Keywords: integrative approach, competence approach, foreign language communicative competence, English, foreign language communication, project technology, information and communication technologies, case study.
Гузикова Валентина Викторовна — Ресей ІІМ Орал заң институтының шет тілдері кафедрасының доценті, филология ғылымдарының кандидаты, доцент (Ресей Федерациясы, Екатеринбург қ.)
Түйін. Мақала қазіргі заманғы жоғары білім беру жүйесінде, атап айтқанда шет тілін оқыту саласында болып жатқан интегралдық процестердің рөліне арналған. Автор «шет тілінің коммуникативтік құзыреттілігі» терминін және оның құрылымдық элементтерін анықтаудың түрлі тәсілдерін талдайды. Білім алушылардың шет тіліндегі қарым-қатынас дағдыларын қалыптастыруда және шет тілін оқыту шеңберінде ықпалдасу деңгейлерін негіздеуде ерекше белгілері мен интегралды тәсілді қолдану қажеттілігін анықтауға талпыныс жасалады. Соңында автор тілдік емес білім беру ұйымында тілдік оқыту сапасын арттыруға бағытталған интегралдық тәсілдің кең мүмкіндіктері мен келешегін атап өтті.
Түйінді сөздер: интегралдық тәсіл, құзыреттілік тәсілі, шет тілінің коммуникативтік құзыреттілігі, ағылшын тілі, шет тілдік қарым-қатынас, жобалау технологиясы, ақпараттық-коммуникациялық технологиялар, кейс-зерттеу.
Гузикова Валентина Викторовна — доцент кафедры иностранных языков Уральского юридического института МВД России, кандидат филологических наук, доцент (Российская Федерация, г. Екатеринбург)
Аннотация. Статья посвящена вопросу о роли интегративных процессов, происходящих в современной системе высшего образования и, в частности, в сфере преподавания иностранного языка. Автор дает анализ различных способов определения термина «иноязычная коммуникативная компетенция» и ее структурных элементов. Предпринимается попытка определения отличительных признаков и необходимости использования интегративного подхода при формировании навыков иноязычного общения обучающихся и обоснования уровней интеграции в рамках преподавания иностранного языка. В заключении автор отмечает широкие возможности и перспективы интегративного подхода, направленные на повышение качества языковой подготовки в неязыковой образовательной организации.
Ключевые слова: интегративный подход, компетентностный подход, иноязычная коммуникативная компетентность, английский язык, иноязычное общение, проектная технология, информационно-коммуникационные технологии, кейс-стади.
Introduction. Nowadays, most changes in the Russian education system are occurring within the framework of a competence-based approach, highlighting the efficiency of educational activities, which are regarded not as a multitude of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, but as the capability to use them in various cases, including non-standard ones, demonstrating a sufficient level of competence.
Since the realization of the necessary professional qualities of a competent specialist occurs in the process of communication, in teaching a foreign language, specific attention is drawn to the formation of students’ communicative competence. The communication process is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, including information exchange (communicative aspect), interaction between communication participants (interactive aspect) and their perception of each other (perceptual aspect)[1].
In modern pedagogical science, the problems of formation and development of communicative competence in the process of teaching a foreign language are well covered. This issue has been considered in the works of many Russian and foreign scientists (M.N. Vyatyutnev, I.A. Zimnaya, N.I. Gez, E.I. Passov, I.L. Bim, A. N. Shchukin, V.V. Safonov, E.N. Solovova, J. Savignon, D. Hymes, M. Halliday, L. F. Bachman, K.J. Brumfit, M. Canale, M. Wein et al.). However, despite numerous publications, many aspects of this problem are interpreted by researchers from different angles.
According to I.A. Zimnaya, who considers the competence approach as the orientation of education towards the development of personality and its competence by solving professional and social tasks in the educational process. She notes that the concept of «competence» appears in modern pedagogical science in the context of significant reform of the education system associated with the need for adaptation in today’s unstable world. All this leads to a rethinking of the outcomes of education, which have become perceived as an integrative set of social, personal, behavioral, motivational-value and cognitive components included in the scientific thesaurus called «competence»[2].
The research of scholars in the area of linguodidactics and foreign language teaching techniques allows us to conclude that the structure of foreign language communicative competence is multidimensional. But the question of its component composition remains unresolved, which varies on average from 3 to 8 competencies, depending on the researcher’s point of view.
Due to the analysis of the classifications presented in the papers of Russian (A. N. Shchukin, I.L. Bim, V.V. Safonov) and foreign scientists (J. Savignon, M. Canale and M. Svein)) it can be noted that the following competencies are found in most works:
- linguistic (mastering a certain amount of knowledge about the linguistic system and its various aspects: phonetic, grammatical, lexical);
- speech (ability to carry out speech activity and communication in a foreign language);
- socio-cultural (students’ knowledge of the national and cultural characteristics of the social and speech behavior of native speakers and the ability to use certain language forms, depending on the context).
Additional components of foreign language communicative competence also include:
- strategic or compensatory competence (the ability to logically and consistently build one’s speech in accordance with the set goals and objectives, as well as to get out of the situation if there is a shortage of language resources) (A.N. Shchukin, I.L. Bim, V.V. Safonova);
- educational and cognitive competence (the ability to learn, motivation for learning activities) (I.L. Bim);
- professional or pragmatic competence (willingness to use a foreign language in professional activities and in situations of everyday communication) (A.N. Shchukin, Common European Framework of Reference: Learning, Teaching, Assessment)[3].
Thus, it can be noted that the first three competencies are directly related to the study and use of a foreign language, and in the content of the rest one can trace universal knowledge, skills and abilities inherent also in information and educational competencies[4].
Results of the study and discussion. The analysis of various models of the component composition of communicative competence, as well as empirical data and teaching experience in the field of foreign language teaching, gives grounds to assert that, theoretically, methodologically and practically, there are a number of problems that hinder the more effective development of foreign language communicative competence of students:
- there is still no single definition of the term «foreign language communicative competence» and a common opinion on its component composition;
- the scientific community is constantly searching for innovative methods, forms and means of organizing the educational process in order to achieve its maximum effectiveness, but the technology of their application has not been developed at the methodological level, depending on the stage of learning a foreign language and the level of knowledge of students;
- mastering a foreign language takes place outside the language environment with a limited hour load. An analysis of the curricula of the Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the areas of training 38.05.01 «Economic security» and 40.05.01 «Preliminary investigation in the Department of Internal Affairs» showed that about 30% of the total hours allocated to educational activities for the entire period of training of students are allocated to the development of foreign language communicative competence, respectively. These indicators are very insignificant, given the fact that the communicative environment for the necessary practice of a foreign language is created only within the walls of an educational institution;
- large groups, when one student has an average of 3-5 minutes of speaking for the entire lesson[5];
- insufficient provision of the educational process with ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) tools, which reduces the ability of teachers to use modern methods of teaching a foreign language, contributing to the development of foreign language communicative competence of students.
Consequently, modern pedagogical science and the methodology of teaching foreign languages, as its private discipline, faces the problem of finding such teaching methods that would fully meet educational goals, resolve contradictions in the organization of the educational process and contribute to the effective application of acquired knowledge in practice, i.e. in real life and professional situations.
Teaching a foreign language has a long but rather controversial history, in which debates about teaching methods and their effectiveness do not stop at the present time. The emergence of new language teaching methods is associated with social, economic, political or educational conditions, with theoretical provisions (new changes in language theories, a new psychological view of language learning), with practical experience, pedagogical intuition and the skill of foreign language teachers.
The names of many methods (grammar-translation method, direct method, audio-linguistic method, communicative teaching method, etc.) are quite well known. In the theory of teaching a foreign language, they are usually divided into reproductive and productive ones. Considered outside the educational context, they are often perceived as separate strategies or specific techniques for teaching a foreign language and are characterized by excessive attention to individual components of teaching and learning a language. This fact indicates that in educational practice, the use of different methods of language teaching is often one-sided and fragmented, and the effectiveness of their application is quite problematic to diagnose.
Thus, due to dissatisfaction with the results of using reproductive and productive teaching methods, and, in particular, grammatical-translation and communicative-intercultural approaches, which considered teaching a foreign language only in one aspect: either from the point of view of mastering formal grammatical structures, or from the point of view of developing students’ communicative skills, since the mid-80s of the 20th century, a new modern integrative concept of teaching foreign languages and cultures has begun to develop.
Within the framework of an integrative approach, the task of holistic training of future specialists can be solved through the technologization of the educational process, which implies a multi-level integration of academic disciplines, generalization of the experience of private methods, the results of the creative search of individual teachers and the fusion of methods, forms and methods of organizing educational activities. In addition, the use of pedagogical technologies gives learning outcomes a more sustainable effect and guarantees the achievement of certain quality standards in the education system.
Integration within the framework of teaching a foreign language at a higher educational institution can be carried out at different levels:
- Intrasubject integration involves the interconnection of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students within the framework of one academic subject. Thus, familiarity with the formation and application of grammatical forms of Past Perfect Tense in English is based on the general rules of use of Past Tense, and the use of a problematic approach when discussing the issue of «History of Economic Thoughts» it becomes impossible without mastering the basic vocabulary on the topics: history, economics, science, theories, scholars, industrial level of the country’s development etc.
- Interdisciplinary integration is manifested in the use of methods, means and forms of teaching one academic discipline in the study of another. The use of modern information and project technologies in language education is extremely relevant in this sense, whereas only a few decades ago they were limited to the framework of technical sciences. Without modern technical means of education (TSO) and information and communication technologies (ICT), it is impossible to work with audio and video materials, Internet resources, which, along with standard paper textbooks, are an important part of language training in a modern university.
Project-based technologies are increasingly appearing in the curricula of universities in various areas of training (as separate disciplines or replacing such a form of education as coursework). Project activity involves a detailed development of a problem from any field of knowledge and achieves a quite tangible practical result that can be applied in real professional activity[6].
The project method is focused on the independent work of students, develops their mental activity and helps to increase interest in the subject being studied. In order to form foreign language communicative competence in English classes, students can be offered the following projects:
«The Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Capital of Great Britain», «The Tourist Diversity of the US Regions», «The History of the British Police», «The Russian Economy through Foreigners’ Eyes», «My Favorite Detective in English», «Human Rights Violations in the Modern World», «The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Society», etc.
- For instance, to write an essay in English on the topic: «The hero draws inspiration from the virtue of his ancestor». (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) Students will need to analyze the problem of «heroism» from the point of view of its interpretation in psychology and literature, not forgetting also about the practice of everyday life, and then write down the main ideas using grammatical, lexical and syntactic means of the English language.
- The implementation of the integration of basic and additional education allows students to apply their knowledge gained as a result of independent educational activities in foreign language classes (for example, in the framework of discussing topics: art, cinema, tourism and voyages, scientific research, crime investigation, national currency, sport etc.
It is worth noting that the above levels of integration consider the educational process from the point of view of teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university and aim to form a holistic picture of the world among students due to the connection between the subjects studied, means, methods and forms of organization of the learning process. However, it should not be forgotten that a foreign language is not only an academic discipline, but also a means of communication, therefore its use for teaching non-linguistic disciplines in the areas of training 38.05.01 «Economic security» and 40.05.01 «Preliminary investigation at the Department of Internal Affairs» undeniably affects the development of foreign language communicative competence in students by increasing time for language practice and expanding vocabulary by means of the target subjects.
Within the framework of the application of an integrative approach to teaching a foreign language, the following methods can be used: 1) cognitive and research (research, method of forming cultural self-determination, essays, project method); 2) communicative and problematic (culturally oriented discussions and role-playing games, professional problem situations, business games, case studies); 3) problem-solving (slide presentations, web quests, blogs)[7].
Conclusions. Thus, as a result of the application of an integrative approach to teaching a foreign language, the learning process is intensified, the systematization of educational material, the formation of key competencies, increased motivation and cognitive interest of students in studying the subject, the comprehensive development of a personality ready for effective intercultural communication and professional activity in the context of globalization and integration processes in economic, social and political and in other spheres of society.
However, it should be remarked that at the moment modern higher education is only at the initial stage of the implementation of a competence-based approach in educational activities and the transition to new educational standards. Therefore, specialists who receive education in the field of a foreign language are still strictly focused not on a systematic vision of the educational material, but on its comprehension within a certain academic discipline. As a result, the application of integrated knowledge in professional activities is carried out only on the basis of personal experience, self-education and obtaining additional qualifications. In this regard, it seems advisable to introduce a special discipline into the curricula of universities, which would familiarize students with the possibilities of interdisciplinary integration and the specifics of its application in professional activities.
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