admin 01.12.2019

A. S. Baigazin — Senior lecturer of the Department of operational and investigative activities of Aktobe law Institute of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev, police major





Keywords: арнайы, техника пәні, құқық қорғау органдары, курсанттар мен тыңдаушылар, арнайы техниканы қолдану ерекшеліктері, пәннің аспектілері мен міндеттері, жедел-іздестіру қызметі, курсанттарды дамыту.

Ключевые слова: дисциплина, специальная техника, правоохранительные органы, курсанты и слушатели, особенности применения специальной техники, аспекты и задачи дисциплины, оперативно-розыскная деятельность, развитие курсантов.

Түйінді сөздер: discipline, special equipment, law enforcement, cadets and students, features of the use of special equipment, aspects and objectives of the discipline, operational and investigative activities, the development of cadets.

One of the important directions of improvement of activity of the officers of law-enforcement bodies is effective use of modern achievements of science and technology, including wide application of special equipment.

Discipline «Special equipment» is designed to train cadets and students in the specialization of operational and investigative activities of the Department of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The main purpose of the study of which is the formation of the necessary complex of technical, legal and organizational knowledge on the application and use of special technical means in the practical activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The main task of modern higher education is to train specialists with high creative potential, able to solve the tasks in view of the expanding globalization.

In this regard, the training of graduates of higher educational institutions at the present stage of development should be characterized by a systematic approach.

For continuous improvement of culture of cadets at teaching of discipline special equipment it is necessary to use classical forms of studying of the program of a course, the teacher has to master constantly and introduce innovative forms of submission of a material[1].

The teacher needs to master increasing amounts of knowledge and skills, because they are the basis of successful and effective professional activity.

The ability of the teacher to make effective decisions as a result of self-development and systemic thinking style. System thinking is one of the main components of the creative process of education.

Development of cadets in the course of training on discipline special equipment should be carried out by studying of regulating orders of application of methods of teaching together with the decision of specially picked up educational and practical tasks which as a whole are target function of preparation of competent employees of IAB[2].

In the process of teaching the discipline Special equipment cadets need to constantly solve a set of the following methodological problems:

  1. Bringing the content of the subjects of the course of study in accordance with the Republican educational standard of higher education for the relevant areas of training.
  2. Ability to organize independent research work of cadets taking into account their individual characteristics.
  3. Orientation of educational process not only on formation of a complex of knowledge, abilities and skills, but also on the General development, arms by methods of independent activity on collecting and processing of information, formation of ability of independent application of knowledge in practice.
  4. Development of criteria for the effectiveness of the methods and forms of training.
  5. Ensuring the unity of General concepts, laws and theories, the originality of operating them in each of the subjects in accordance with the specifics of the disciplines studied.
  6. Development of effective forms of professional development of teachers[3].

Discipline «Special equipment» is closely associated with other academic disciplines that form students and cadets professional knowledge and skills, primarily with such as: «Operational-investigative activities», «Administrative activities», «Criminology» and «Criminal law and criminal procedure».

The main types of training sessions are practical classes.

Practical classes are conducted in subgroups on the parade ground and landfills with the use of shields, helmets, rubber sticks, body armor. During the lessons it is supposed to use visual educational models, stands, operating devices, videos and materials of multimedia support, possible variants of application of special equipment in different situations are worked out taking into account experience of application of special equipment by divisions of law-enforcement bodies[4].

The main aspects and objectives of the discipline are:

  • formation at listeners and cadets of representation about the most widespread in law-enforcement bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan of special technical means;
  • obtaining by cadets and listeners of knowledge of principles of work and the basic tactical and technical data and possibilities of application of the special technical means which are on arms of law-enforcement bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • formation of skills about appointment, classification, legal bases, the main directions and tactics of application of special technical means in practical activity of IAB;
  • formation of skills for documenting the use of special technical means;
  • acquisition by cadets of practical skills and skills of use of special technical means in any operational situation[5].

As a result of studying the discipline «Special technique» students should know:

  • provisions of normative acts regulating the use of special technical means;
  • purpose, tasks, technical capabilities and tactical features of the use of various types of special equipment;
  • methods of application of special technical means.
  • principles of operation of various types of special equipment;


  • document the use of special equipment.
  • competently to choose and tactically correctly to apply means of special equipment in various operational and service situations;

have the skills:

  • practical application of special equipment used in the activities of law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • filling of standard forms and forms of documentary registration of application of special equipment.

When conducting practical classes (with the number of students 18 people or more), it is advisable to divide the training group into two subgroups, classes are held in specially equipped classrooms and on landfills[6].

To study the discipline cadets and students use the plans of seminars and practical classes, lectures, guidelines developed by the staff of the Department of operational and investigative activities. For independent work, educational materials available in the special library of the Aktobe law Institute of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev, in the educational-methodical Cabinet of the Department of operational-investigative activity.

For independent work of control of knowledge and preparation for the final lesson there are methodical recommendations for self-control of knowledge and skills and control questions on an academic discipline. Own interests and creative ideas of students in the field of application of special equipment can be realized through the development of proposed topics for writing reports and abstracts.



This article discusses the aspects of teaching the discipline «Special equipment» used in the activities of law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, primarily the internal affairs bodies. The main purpose of studying the discipline is to form the necessary complex of technical, legal and organizational knowledge on the application and use of special technical means in the practical activities of internal affairs bodies.


В данной статье рассматриваются аспекты преподавания дисциплины «Специальная техника», используемые в деятельности правоохранительных органов Республики Казахстан, прежде всего в органах внутренних дел. Основной целью изучения дисциплины является формирование у обучающихся необходимого комплекса технических, правовых и организационных знаний по применению и использованию специальных технических средств в практической деятельности органов внутренних дел.


Бұл мақалада Қазақстан Республикасының Құқық қорғау органдарының қыз­метінде, ең алдымен ішкі істер органдарында қолданылатын «Арнайы техника» пәнін оқыту аспектілері қарастырылады. Пәнді оқытудың негізгі мақсаты ішкі істер органдарының практикалық қызметінде арнайы техникалық құралдарды қол­дану және пайдалану бойынша қажетті техникалық, құқықтық және ұйым­дастырушылық білімді қалыптастыру болып табылады.

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