admin 05.11.2024

МРНТИ 10.77.41

УДК 343.154.5

Badretdinov Ainur Ildarovich — adjunct at the Ufa law institute of the Ministry of internal affairs of Russia (Russian Federation, Ufa)


Annotation. The article discusses the need to improve the intersectoral links between criminal and operational-investigative legislation in terms of the implementation of certain provisions of the criminal law institute for exemption from liability provided for by criminal law for a particular category of persons. The legal basis for the formation of this system and ways to resolve this issue are considered.

The object of our research is the social relations that arise in connection with the functioning of one of the main institutions of criminal law that implements protective functions.

Theoretical provisions that reveal in detail the special rules of operational investigative and criminal law, devoted to the grounds and conditions under which a person can be released from criminal liability, are the subject of our research.

The research aims at the following objectives:

  1. A thorough study of the norms of criminal law, both General and Special, directly regulating the procedure, grounds and conditions for exemption from liability provided for by Russian criminal law.
  2. Study of the provisions of Federal Law № 144-FZ of August 12, 1995 «On operational investigative activities», directly related to legal guarantees for persons aiding with operational units in solving operational and official tasks.
  3. Development of proposals for changing the current norms of criminal law and legislation in relation to our research

The result of the work is the formation of proposals for the modernization and coordination of intersectoral relations between criminal and operational-investigative legislation, namely, the norms regulating one of the social guarantees provided for citizens who assist the operational units of the law enforcement system of the Russian Federation.

Keywords: foundation, exemption from criminal liability, criminal group, assistance, crime, operational investigative legislation, guarantees, circumstances.

Бадретдинов Айнур Ильдарович — Ресей Iшкi iстер министрлiгiнiң Уфа заң институтының адъюнктурасы (Ресей Федерациясы, Уфа қ.)


Түйін. Мақалада қылмыстық және жедел-іздестіру заңнамасының салааралық байланыстарын қылмыстық заңда көзделген жауапкершіліктен босату қылмыс­тық-құқықтық институтының жекелеген ережелерін, адамдардың жекелеген санаттарын іске асыруға қатысты бөлігінде жақсарту қажеттілігі туралы айтылады.

Біздің зерттеуіміздің объектісі ретінде қорғау функцияларын іске асыратын қылмыстық құқықтың негізгі институттарының бірінің жұмыс істеуіне байла­ныс­ты туындайтын қоғамдық қатынастар болып табылады.

Адам қылмыстық жауаптылықтан босатылуы мүмкін негіздер мен жағдай­ларға арналған жедел-іздестіру және қылмыстық құқықтың арнайы нормаларын егжей-тегжейлі ашатын теориялық ережелер біздің зерттеуіміздің тақырыбын құрай­ды.

Жүргізілген зерттеу келесі мақсаттарды көздейді:

  1. Ресейдің қылмыстық заңнамасында қарастырылған жауапкершіліктен босату тәртібін, негіздері мен шарттарын тікелей реттейтін жалпы және ерекше бөліктің қылмыстық құқық нормаларын мұқият зерделеу.
  2. 1995 жылғы 12 тамыздағы «Жедел-іздестіру қызметі туралы» №144-ФЗ ФЗ ережелерін жедел-қызметтік міндеттерді шешуде жедел бөлімшелерге жәрдем көрсететін тұлғалар үшін құқықтық кепілдіктермен тікелей байланысты зерттеу.
  3. Біздің зерттеуімізге қатысты бөлігінде қолданыстағы Қылмыстық және заңнамалық нормаларды өзгерту бойынша ұсыныстар әзірлеу.

Жұмыстың нәтижесі қылмыстық және жедел-іздестіру заңнамасының сала­ара­лық байланыстарын жаңғырту және үйлестіру бойынша ұсыныстарды, атап айт­қанда Ресей Федерациясының құқық қорғау органдары жүйесінің жедел бөлім­шелеріне жәрдемдесетін азаматтар үшін қарастырылған әлеуметтік кепілдіктердің бірін реттейтін нормаларды қалыптастыру болып табылады.

Түйінді сөздер: негіздеу, қылмыстық жауаптылықтан босату, қылмыстық топ, көмек, қылмыс, жедел-іздестіру заңнамасы, кепілдіктер, мән-жайлар.

Бадретдинов Айнур Ильдарович — адъюнкт Уфимского юридического института МВД России (Российская Федерация, г. Уфа)


Аннотация. В статье идет речь о необходимости улучшения межотраслевых связей уголовного и оперативно-розыскного законодательства в части, касающей­ся реализации отдельных положений уголовно-правового института освобожде­ния от ответственности, предусмотренной уголовным законом, отдельной катего­рии лиц. Рассматриваются правовые основы формирования этой системы и пути решения данного вопроса.

В качестве объекта нашего исследования выступают общественные отноше­ния, возникающие в связи с функционированием одного из основных институтов уголовного права, реализующего охранительные функции.

Теоретические положения, детально раскрывающие специальные нормы опе­ративно-розыскного и уголовного права, посвящённые основаниям и условиям, при которых лицо может быть освобождено от уголовной ответственности, сос­тав­ляют предмет нашего исследования.

Проводимое исследование преследует следующие цели:

  1. Тщательное изучение норм уголовного права, как Общей, так и Особенной части, непосредственно регламентирующих порядок, основания и условия осво­бож­дению от ответственности, предусмотренной российским уголовным законо­дательством.
  2. Изучение положений ФЗ № 144-ФЗ от 12 августа 1995 года «Об оперативно-розыскной деятельности», непосредственно связанных с правовыми гарантиями для лиц, оказывающих содействие оперативным подразделениям в решении опера­тивно-служебных задач.
  3. Разработка предложений по изменению действующих норм уголовного и за­конодательства в части, касающейся нашего исследования

Результатом работы является формирование предложений по модернизиро­ва­нию и координации межотраслевых связей уголовного и оперативно-розыскного законодательства, а именно норм, регламентирующих одну из социальных гаран­тий, предусмотренных для граждан, содействующих оперативным подразде­ле­ни­ям системы правоохранительных органов Российской Федерации.

Ключевые слова: основание, освобождение от уголовной ответственности, преступная группа, содействие, преступление, оперативно-розыскное законода­тель­ство, гарантии, обстоятельства.


Introduction. Criminal law and operational-search policy play an important role in the administration of justice and ensuring law and order in the Russian Federation, because it is the use of an integrated approach to solving crime prevention problems that is the most effective means of combating it.

Thus, one of the most effective and efficient means of preventing and suppressing crimes should include the use of covert assistance from citizens by operational employees of authorized specialized bodies of the Russian Federation in solving operational-service and intelligence-search tasks. However, at present, issues of social and legal support for the category of persons assisting law enforcement agencies remain unresolved. In this regard, the problem of the legal nature and conditions for the release of a member of a criminal group who effectively assists operational units from criminal liability is becoming more relevant.

The main part. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation structures criminal-legal guarantees for the release of persons who have committed a crime from liability provided for by the current Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The following types must be included in the number of such legislatively regulated cases in which the perpetrator of a criminally punishable act may avoid the full severity of state measures: active repentance of the guilty party, reconciliation with the victim, compensation for damages, imposition of a judicial fine and, among other things, expiration of the statute of limitations for a specific type and category of crime also play a certain role.

For example, in order to realize the possibility of exemption from liability provided for by criminal law in the event of active repentance or due to reconciliation with the victim, the crime committed must fall into the category of minor or moderate severity. In this case, compensation for damage and harm caused by the criminal offense is also a mandatory condition. In cases where a crime is committed for the first time and is similar in composition to Articles 198, 199, 199.1, 199.3 and 199.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation[1], and the perpetrator fully consciously and voluntarily expresses a desire and readiness to compensate for the damage caused to the domestic budget system, a guarantee of release from criminal liability is provided. In cases where a capable, sane person who has reached the age stipulated by criminal law has committed a minor crime and has not hidden from the investigation or the court in any way, including not committing new crimes, and 2 years have passed since the end of the last one, i.e. the statute of limitations has expired, an authorized official, in the established form and in the manner regulated by law, issues a ruling to terminate the relevant criminal case. In other words, for minor crimes the expiration period is 2 years, for crimes of average gravity it is 6 years, for serious crimes this period is 10 years, and 15 years is already in the category of especially serious crimes.

In all these cases, the norms of criminal law are closely intertwined with the provisions of the criminal procedure legislation, which explain in detail the features and procedure for the activities of procedural persons. Crimes in the internal affairs agencies are solved by operational officers. In their activities, these units are guided by departmental regulatory orders, including those related to operational work, as well as the general Federal Law № 144-FZ «On operational-search activities» of August 12, 1995[2].

A distinctive feature of the activities of operational officers is their covert nature. The principles of conspiracy play an important role in collecting operationally significant information. Such data can also be obtained as part of covert assistance to persons who have committed crimes. The provisions of Article 18 of the above-mentioned Federal Law № 144-FZ are devoted to the legal and social protection of citizens assisting operational units.

It also provides for a provision concerning the legal possibility and guarantee of exemption of a certain category of citizens who have committed a crime from the inevitable liability provided for by criminal law. For example, a citizen who is a member of a criminal group, in the event of committing a criminal offense, with the exception of allowing grave consequences, at the same time assisting operational units of authorized executive bodies of the Russian Federation and thereby actively contributing to the activities to disclose the criminal encroachments of the group, and also promptly compensated for the damage caused by his direct actions, or otherwise somehow made amends for the harm caused, in accordance with the norms of the current domestic criminal legislation is exempt from liability.

Article 18 of the Law on Operational Investigative Activities by its structure is a referral and is implemented in Part 2 of Article 75 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates cases related to active repentance for crimes classified as serious and especially serious, provided that such a possibility is indicated in the note to this article.

Thus, it can be concluded that one of the mandatory conditions for the application of the provisions concerning the release of a member of a criminal group from liability provided for by criminal law is the provision of covert assistance, which characterizes the sphere of covert methods of work of operational units, in which the said parties have mutual obligations and guarantees.

In this case, a reference to the norms of the criminal law is unlawful from the point of view of operational-search legislation. Since Article 75 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that a person voluntarily surrenders, which in turn provides for the presence of such a document as a statement of surrender (Article 142 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation[3]). The specified circumstances and consequences of such actions directly contradict the principles of operational-search activities. N. G. Suvorova suggests as an alternative solution to the problem to supplement paragraph 2 of Article 75 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: «A person participating in a serious or especially serious crime may be released from criminal liability if the court has recognized the person’s assistance as essential in preventing and solving a serious or especially serious crime and the weight of the prevented crime is greater than the interests of justice that had to be sacrificed», and also paragraph 3: «A person from among the members of an organized group, criminal organization or criminal community, infiltrated into an organized group, criminal organization or criminal community by a unit for combating organized crime and performing the task of this unit, cannot be brought to criminal liability if he has not committed another serious or especially serious crime in the course of this work»[4].

In order to eliminate the legal conflict, it is advisable to consider the issue of amending or supplementing the current version of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Part 3 of Article 75): «A person who has committed a crime that did not entail serious consequences, actively contributed to the disclosure of crimes and compensated for the damage caused or otherwise made amends for the harm caused, may be released from criminal liability in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation». The use of the concept of «criminal group» in Article 17 of the Federal Law «On operational-search activities» is of a significant debatable nature.

  1. Ya. Sukharev in the «Big Law Dictionary» gives his own definition of the above concept: this is a group of persons who have agreed in advance to commit a crime by prior conspiracy[5].

The Russian criminal law structures and describes the following forms of complicity in the commission of crimes.

  1. By a group of persons.
  2. By a group of persons by prior conspiracy.
  3. By an organized group.
  4. By a criminal community or criminal organization.

Based on the provisions of Article 75 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the definition proposed by A. Ya. Sukharev, it can be concluded that one of the special conditions for exemption from criminal liability regulated by operational-search legislation is the commission of a crime by a group of persons by prior conspiracy.

The provisions regulated by Part 2 of Article 35 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation also refer us to cases of exemption from criminal liability in the norms provided for by the special part. As which only the provisions concerning liability for organizing a criminal community or organization or participation in their activities, regulated by Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, are suitable. The following conditions are provided for in the note to the article: voluntary termination of participation in the said structure and active assistance in solving and investigating the crimes committed, as well as the absence of signs of another crime in the actions of the person.

Сonclusion. Certain inaccuracies and ambiguities in the interpretation of the provisions of the operational and investigative legislation, in terms of attributing to one or another form of complicity the group in which a person cooperating with operational units is a member, give rise to doubts about the applicability of these provisions, specified in part 2 of the note to article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation The only true way to solve this problem we consider the coordination of criminal and operational and investigative legislation, in particular, in the field of legal guarantees and regulation of issues related to the activities of the criminal organization. As one of the possible ways to solve the existing criminal-legal conflict is the need to amend the current version of the Federal Law «On Operational and Investigative Activity»: Article 18 — to change the phrase «criminal group» to «criminal association (criminal organization)», and to replace «cooperation with the body» with «assistance».



  1. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of June 13, 1996 № 63-FZ (as amended on August 4, 2023) // Official Internet portal of legal information: URL: (date of access 10/12/2023).
  2. On operational-search activities: Federal Law of 12 August 1995 № 144-FZ // Official Internet portal of legal information: URL: (date of access 12.10.2023).
  3. Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation of 18.12.2001 № 174-FZ (as amended on 04.08.2023) (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on 11.08.2023) // Official Internet portal of legal information: URL: (date of access 12.10.2023).
  4. Suvorova N. G. Nekotoryye problemy ugolovnogo prava i ORD // Problemy teorii i praktiki operativno-rozysknoy deyatel’nosti: Sb. nauchn. tr. — M., 2002. S. 226.
  5. Bol’shoy yuridicheskiy slovar’ / Pod red. A. YA. Sukhareva, V. Ye. Krutskikh: 2. izd., pererab. i dop. — M.: INFRA-M, 2003 — 703 s.

Список литературы

  1. Уголовный кодекс Российской Федерации от 13.06.1996 № 63-ФЗ (ред. от 04.08.2023) // Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации: URL: (дата обращения 12.10.2023).
  2. Об оперативно- розыскной деятельности: Федеральный закон от 12 августа 1995 г. № 144-ФЗ // Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации: URL: (дата обращения 12.10.2023).
  3. Уголовно-процессуальный кодекс Российской Федерации от 18.12.2001 № 174-ФЗ (ред. 04.08.2023) (с изм. и доп., вступ. в силу с 11.08.2023) // Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации: URL: (дата обращения 12.10.2023).
  4. Суворова Н. Г. Некоторые проблемы уголовного права и ОРД // Проблемы теории и практики оперативно-розыскной деятельности: Сб. научн. тр. — М., 2002. С. 226.
  5. Большой юридический словарь / Под ред. А. Я. Сухарева, В. Е. Крутских: 2. изд., перераб. и доп. — М.: ИНФРА-М, 2003 — 703 с.

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