admin 20.03.2024

МРНТИ 10.79.00

УДК 343.1

Sakhanova Nelly Talapovna — head of the department of criminal law, criminal process and сriminalistics of Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbayev, master of law, police colonel (Republic of Kazakhstan, Aktobe);

Moldybaeva Raigul Batyrkhanovna — senior lecturer of the department of criminal law, criminal process and сriminalistics of Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbayev, master of law, police major (Republic of Kazakhstan, Aktobe)


Annotation. Over the past few years, thanks to the rapid development of science and human intelligence, many mainly computer (information) technologies have appeared that can already function independently through the use and development of artificial intelligence. The possibilities of using artificial intelligence technologies in various areas of jurisprudence are increasingly being discussed by both legal scientists and practitioners (judges, prosecutors, lawyers, practicing lawyers).

The issues of using artificial intelligence in the organization of the judicial system in general, and in criminal proceedings in particular, are of considerable interest and are being studied by an increasing number of people, as evidenced by articles on the pages of various legal journals and abstracts at conferences of various levels. I would like to note right away that in order to successfully realize the potential of artificial intelligence in criminal proceedings and increase confidence in it, appropriate legal regulation and scientific understanding of the advantages and risks of replacing a person with a computer are necessary.

This article attempts to analyze the introduction of artificial intelligence into the activities of the criminal procedure and judicial system in criminal cases based on the analysis of current legislation in the field of the use of artificial intelligence, as well as a number of scientific papers on the prospects of using artificial intelligence in criminal cases. The introduction of artificial intelligence into the activities of investigative bodies, courts and the adoption of appropriate regulatory legal acts in this area is justified.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, robot, lawyer, jurisprudence, court, judicial system, investigative body, criminal procedure; criminal proceedings, consideration of criminal cases, computer.

Саханова Нелли Талапқызы — Қазақстан Республикасы ІІМ М. Бөкенбаев атындағы Ақтөбе заң институты қылмыстық құқық, қылмыстық процесс және криминалистика кафедрасының бастығы, заң ғылымдарының магистрі, полиция полковнигі (Қазақстан Республикасы, Ақтөбе қ.);

Молдыбаева Райгүл Батырханқызы — Қазақстан Республикасы ІІМ М. Бөкенбаев атындағы Ақтөбе заң институты қылмыстық құқық, қылмыстық процесс және криминалистика кафедрасының аға оқытушысы, заң ғылымдарының магистрі, полиция майоры (Қазақстан Республикасы, Ақтөбе қ.)


Түйін. Бірнеше жыл ішінде ғылым мен адам интеллектінің қарқынды дамуы­ның арқасында жасанды интеллектті қолдану мен дамытудың арқасында қазірдің өзінде дербес жұмыс істей алатын көптеген негізінен компьютерлік (ақпараттық) технологиялар пайда болды. Заң ғылымының әртүрлі салаларында жасанды интел­лект технологияларын қолдану мүмкіндіктерін заңгер ғалымдар да, практиктер де (судьялар, прокурорлар, адвокаттар, заңгерлер) жиі талқылайды.

Жасанды интеллектті жалпы сот жүйесін ұйымдастыруда, әсіресе қылмыстық сот ісін жүргізуде пайдалану мәселелері айтарлықтай қызығушылық тудырады және олардың саны өсуде, оны әртүрлі заң журналдарының беттеріндегі мақа­ла­лар, әртүрлі деңгейдегі конференциялардағы тезистер дәлелдейді. Қылмыстық про­цесте жасанды интеллект әлеуетін табысты іске асыру және оған деген сенімді арттыру үшін тиісті құқықтық реттеу және адамды компьютермен ауыстырудың артық­шылықтары мен тәуекелдерін ғылыми тұрғыдан түсіну қажет екенін бірден атап өткіміз келеді.

Бұл мақалада жасанды интеллектті қолдану саласындағы қолданыстағы заңна­маны, сондай-ақ қылмыстық істерді қарау кезінде жасанды интеллектті пайдалану перспективаларына арналған бірқатар ғылыми жұмыстарды талдау негізінде қыл­мыстық істерді қарау кезінде қылмыстық іс жүргізу және сот жүйесінің қызметіне жасанды интеллектті енгізуді талдауға әрекет жасалды. Қылмыстық істерді қарау кезінде қылмыстық іс жүргізу және сот жүйесінің қызметінде жасанды интеллекті енгізуге талдау жасалды. Тергеу органдарының, соттардың қызметіне жасанды интеллект енгізу және осы салада тиісті нормативтік-құқықтық актілерді қабылдау негізделген.

Түйінді сөздер: жасанды интеллект, робот, заңгер, құқықтану, сот, сот жүйесі, тергеу органы, қылмыстық процесс, қылмыстық сот ісін жүргізу, қылмыстық істерді қарау, компьютер.

Саханова Нелли Талаповна — начальник кафедры уголовного права, уголовного процесса и криминалистики Актюбинского юридического института МВД Республики Казахстан им. М. Букенбаева, магистр юридических наук, полковник полиции (Республика Казахстан, г. Актобе);

Молдыбаева Райгуль Батырхановна — старший преподаватель кафедры уголовного права, уголовного процесса и криминалистики Актюбинского юридического института МВД Республики Казахстан им. М. Букенбаева, магистр юридических наук, майор полиции (Республика Казахстан, г. Актобе)


Аннотация. На протяжении нескольких лет, благодаря стремительному раз­ви­тию науки и человеческого интеллекта, появилось много в основном компью­тер­ных (информационных) технологий, которые могут уже самостоятельно функ­ционировать благодаря использованию и развитию искусственного интеллекта. Возможности использования искусственного интеллекта в различных направле­ниях юриспруденции все чаще и чаще обсуждаются как учеными-юристами, так и практиками (судьями, прокурорами, адвокатами, практикующими юристами).

Вопросы использования искусственного интеллекта в организации судоус­трой­ства, в целом, и в уголовном процессе, в частности, представляют при этом значительный интерес и исследуются все большим количеством людей, о чем сви­де­тельствуют статьи на страницах различных юридических журналов и тезисы на конференциях различного уровня. Хотелось бы сразу отметить, что для успешной реализации потенциала искусственного интеллекта в уголовном процессе и по­вы­шения доверия к нему необходимо соответствующее правовое регулирование и на­учное осмысление преимуществ и рисков замены человека компьютером.

В данной статье предпринята попытка анализа внедрения искусственного ин­тел­лекта в деятельность уголовно-процессуальной и судебной системы при рас­смо­трении уголовных дел на основе анализа действующего законодательства в области использования искусственного интеллекта, а также ряда научных работ, по­священных перспективам использования искусственного интеллекта при рас­смо­трении уголовных дел. Обосновано внедрение искусственного интеллекта в дея­тельность органов расследования, судов и принятия соответствующих норма­тив­но-правовых актов в данной сфере.

Ключевые слова: искусственный интеллект, робот, юрист, юриспруденция, суд, судебная система, орган расследования, уголовный процесс, уголовное судопроизводство, рассмотрение уголовных дел, компьютер.


Introduction. Literally 40-50 years ago of the last century, mankind controlled machines, but every year the introduction of computerization into our lives and activities is becoming more and more. We no longer think about our life without computers, gadgets and various applications. Neural networks can do a lot: show roads in an unfamiliar city, show a traffic jam on the road, create covers for TikTok, draw cities in the form of people and animals, order a thing you like from another country, communicate with a person who is on another continent, get information sitting at home, control household appliances, even talk to the application. As a result, everything led to the fact that humanity merged so much with artificial intelligence, which made life easier for him, and we simply cannot imagine the existence of humanity without all the benefits and advantages that these technologies gave him.

Technologies based on artificial intelligence are gradually taking over all areas of application in life and changing the familiar reality. In the modern world, against the background of the development of information technology, artificial intelligence systems have become indispensable assistants in various spheres of human life. Digitalization, including in law enforcement, has become a natural phenomenon and marked a new milestone in the development of public relations and their legal regulation.

In many developed countries, the functioning of the judicial system is associated with the creation of electronic justice, which is designed to ensure openness and transparency of decisions, which in turn should naturally lead to an increase in the efficiency of judicial proceedings in general. Information systems that help people make decisions began to develop in the 1950s with the advent of expert systems that described the algorithm of actions for choosing a solution depending on specific conditions. These systems were replaced by machine learning, which allowed information systems to independently form rules and find solutions by analyzing dependencies using an initial data set (without drawing up a preliminary list of possible solutions by a person), which allowed us to talk about the emergence of artificial intelligence[1].

Materials and methods. To date, Kazakh legislation does not contain the concept of artificial intelligence. At the same time, the term «artificial intelligence» is already found in some regulatory legal acts of foreign countries and is becoming an increasingly relevant and discussed topic of domestic scientists. The scientific literature provides fairly complete and voluminous definitions of artificial intelligence, in which the essential features are: autonomy (fully or partially), self-organization, self-learning, programmability, consistency, ability to make independent decisions[2]. Scientists define artificial intelligence as «the ability of a technical device controlled by a computer system to perform tasks to be solved by rational human intelligence. These systems or devices must have properties characteristic of the human mind — the ability to think, reason, make decisions, make choices and gain experience based on the work done»[3]. Undoubtedly, the spread of artificial intelligence applications is inevitable. However, the expediency, possibility and effectiveness of its application in some types of legal activity, in particular in criminal proceedings, are still very debatable.

The creation of a universal artificial intelligence capable, like a human, of solving various tasks, thinking, interacting and adapting to changing conditions is a complex scientific and technical problem, the solution of which lies at the intersection of various spheres of scientific knowledge-natural science, technical and socio-humanitarian. Solving this problem can lead not only to positive changes in key areas of life, but also to negative consequences caused by social and technological changes that accompany the development of artificial intelligence technology1.

Discussion and results. Recently, the scientific community has often discussed the question of whether it is possible, using artificial intelligence, to fully automate the entire process of administration of justice and also replace the judge with a universal artificial intelligence system that will be able to analyze the actual circumstances of the case under consideration, give them a legal assessment and make an appropriate decision. In the UK, France, the USA, China and in some other countries, such computer programs have already begun to be used, but they currently serve only as an auxiliary tool for analyzing documents and do not replace a judge.

In Kazakhstan, e-justice is also developing quite productively and quickly. For example, the service «Судебный кабинет» and the forum «Талдау», which is formed on the basis of a Single classifier of categories of cases and materials; automated information and analytical system «Төрелік», unified system of courts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as a video conferencing system between the courts of the Republic.

Electronic justice, the information and analytical service of the «Талдау» forum, which was presented by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the official Internet resource, includes:

1) generalizations of judicial practice, and in case of its absence — background information on the legislation regulating the relevant legal relations;

2) unified classifier of case categories (UCCC);

3) Bank of judicial acts;

4) regulatory decisions of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This service provides prompt access to judicial practice in all categories of cases to a wide range of users, the only condition for its use is registration in the «Судебный кабинет» service, that is, any citizen, sitting at home at a computer, can familiarize himself with solutions, generalizations on the categories of interest, without contacting a lawyer for advice, The «Судебный кабинет» started its work in 2014, and since then, the number of users of the service has been increasing every day, and its functionality is constantly being updated.

Today, with the help of this service, you can submit various electronic applications, complaints, various petitions to judicial authorities in criminal and civil cases, that is, it is not necessary to go to court to file your claim, for this there is «Судебный кабинет», with which you can send a claim to any court of the republic in the electronic version, and receive an electronic confirmation of this there. The purpose and functionality of the information and analytical system «Төрелік» is the maintenance of automated accounting and control of compliance with procedural deadlines, formation of statistical and analytical reports, simplification of office work and legal proceedings.

This system includes the electronic service «Судебный кабинет», an audio and video recording system, a personnel system, an electronic archive of court documents, an internal portal, as well as a system for notifying participants in the trial by sending SMS messages and e-mail. In addition, the undoubted advantage of the system is the integration of the necessary information bases, these are: the base of the Committee for Legal Statistics and Special Accounts, the base for paying state duty, the base for the execution of judicial acts[4]. Based on the above, the development of «electronic justice» in the Republic of Kazakhstan is far from an expectation, but the reality of our time, which allows us to optimize legal proceedings, however, all of the above services are informational and auxiliary, that is, they facilitate legal proceedings and reduce time costs, but do not replace a person, they only help him simplify the performance of individual tasks.

In December 2018, the first international act was drawn up that is specifically dedicated to the use of artificial intelligence in justice — the «European Ethical Charter on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Judicial Systems», which was approved by the European Commission on the Effectiveness of Justice of the Council of Europe. This charter outlined five principles for the use of artificial intelligence:

а) the principle of respect for human rights, by virtue of which the use of a computer program should not detract from the adversarial nature of the process and the right to a fair trial;

в) the principle of non-discrimination;

с) the principle of quality and safety, which involves the use of certified software, which is evaluated by both technical specialists and lawyers;

  1. d) the principle of transparency, by virtue of which all applied technologies must be made publicly available in an understandable form[5]. The fifth principle, the «principle of user control», is of particular interest, according to it, the judge should be able to disagree with the decision proposed by artificial intelligence and can make his own decision on the case, the participant in the dispute should also be given the opportunity to directly appeal to the court without the use of artificial intelligence and also the right to challenge the decision artificial intelligence solution.

This principle of «user control» makes it clear that the authors of the charter are aware of the impossibility of completely replacing the judge with artificial intelligence. This position is justified. Artificial intelligence has its own laws and its own language, it lacks a deep understanding of the processes that make human decisions of neural networks unpredictable. When evaluating evidence, criminal procedure law requires a judge to be guided by his inner conviction, and this is a much more complex category than software algorithms. Such processes are not available to artificial intelligence, because, depending on the specific circumstances, the same evidence may be rejected in one case, and in another, on the contrary, taken as a basis. The artificial intelligence system will never penetrate into the depths of the human psyche, since it can assess the circumstances of a case only from the point of view of formal logic, respectively, which is why artificial intelligence will never be able to fully understand the plot of a case, because, for example, in family, and especially criminal cases, there is a lot of irrationals, and not formal-logical.

In addition, when making a decision, the judge is guided by a number of value and evaluation criteria that are enshrined in the law. For example, principles such as justice and humanism in sentencing, the requirements of reasonableness and good faith in civil law. A person’s understanding of such general categories is formed in the process of socialization, upbringing, and personality formation, and all this cannot be reproduced in a software algorithm. Given the conditions of dynamically updating legislation, which is caused, among other things, by scientific and technological progress, it is not uncommon for courts to apply the analogy of law and the analogy of law, which means resolving a dispute based on the general principles and meaning of legislation, due to the lack of specific legal regulation. The meaning of legislation, that is, its spirit, can only be revealed by a person with a high level of legal culture, and not by a computer.

Conclusion. Thus, the use of artificial intelligence in criminal proceedings is one of the possible ways of law enforcement, which requires separate legislative consolidation. However, the use of artificial intelligence should not exclude a person as the person making the final decision, guided by the principles of justice and humanity. Therefore, the most promising in this area is the use of «assistants» based on artificial intelligence, whose program will be able to analyze practice and give a preliminary assessment of the case, while the final decision will be made by a person.



  1. Момотов В. В. Искусственный интеллект в судопроизводстве: состояние, перспективы использования // Вестник Университета имени О.Е. Кутафина (МГЮА). — 2021. — № 5. — С. 188-191 //
  2. Morkhat P. M. Possibilities, features and conditions of the use of artificial intelligence in legal practice // Court Administrator. — 2018. — № 2. — Р. 8-12.
  3. Ефимова С. А. Развитие искусственного интеллекта // Цифровая наука. — 2020. — №. 6. — Р. 13-34.
  4. The Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan. [electronic resource] // Access mode: (date of application: 07/02/2024).
  5. The CEPEJ European Ethical Charter on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Judicial Systems and in Their Environment dated December 4, 2018 [Electronic resource] // Access mode: https:// (date of application: 07/02/2024).


  1. Momotov V. V. Iskusstvennyy intellekt v sudoproizvodstve: sostoyaniye, perspektivy ispol’zovaniya // Vestnik Universiteta imeni O.Ye. Kutafina (MGYUA). — 2021. — № 5. — S. 188-191 // (date of application: 07/02/2024).
  2. Morkhat P. M. Possibilities, features and conditions of the use of artificial intelligence in legal practice // Court Administrator. — 2018. — № 2. — P. 8-12.
  3. Yefimova S. A. Razvitiye iskusstvennogo intellekta // Tsifrovaya nauka. — 2020. — №. 6. — P. 13-34.
  4. The Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan. [electronic resource] // Access mode: (date of application: 07/02/2024).
  5. The CEPEJ European Ethical Charter on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Judicial Systems and in Their Environment dated December 4, 2018 [Electronic resource] // Access mode: https:// (date of application: 07/02/2024).

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