МРНТИ 10.77.41
УДК 340.132.83
Sibagatullin Finat Fayazovich — adjunct at the Ufa law institute of the Ministry of internal affairs of Russia (Russian Federation, Ufa)
Annotation. The article examines the issue of the place of beatings in the system of unlawful acts against public order and public safety, as well as encroaching on the life and health of a person and citizen. The author provides comprehensive arguments about the negative consequences of beatings for the state and society. It is noted that beatings continue to be a socially dangerous phenomenon at the present time, especially among young people. The author believes that the main causes of beatings are such phenomena as denial of law, a low level of legal awareness, as well as the influence of socio-economic factors and cultural stereotypes.
This paper also analyzes the existing measures of prevention and punishment for this offense and also raises the issue of the need for an integrated approach to solving the problem of beatings. Special attention is paid to the role of educational institutions, families, and public organizations in fostering a culture of nonviolence and respect for the rights of others. In conclusion, the author offers recommendations for improving legislation and improving the effectiveness of preventive measures aimed at reducing violence in society.
Keywords: beatings, violence, public order, motives, crime, administrative offenses, social norms, prevention.
Сибагатуллин Финат Фаязович — Ресей ІІМ Уфа заң институтының адъюнкті (Ресей Федерациясы, Уфа қ.)
Түйін. Мақалада қоғамдық тәртіп пен қоғамдық қауіпсіздікке қарсы, сондай-ақ адам мен азаматтың өмірі мен денсаулығына қол сұғатын заңсыз әрекеттер жүйесіндегі ұрып-соғу орны туралы мәселе қарастырылады. Автор мемлекет пен қоғам үшін ұрып-соғудың теріс салдары туралы толық дәлелдер келтірді. Ұрып-соғу қазіргі уақытта, әсіресе жастар арасында әлеуметтік қауіпті құбылыс болып қала беретіні атап өтілді. Автор ұрып-соғудың негізгі себептері құқықты жоққа шығару, құқықтық сананың төмен деңгейі, сондай-ақ әлеуметтік-экономикалық факторлар мен мәдени стереотиптердің әсері сияқты құбылыстар деп санайды.
Бұл жұмыста сондай-ақ осы құқық бұзушылықтың алдын алу және жазалау шаралары талданады, сондай-ақ ұрып-соғу мәселесін шешуге кешенді көзқарастың қажеттілігі туралы мәселе көтеріледі. Зорлық-зомбылықсыз мәдениетті қалыптастырудағы және басқа адамдардың құқықтарын құрметтеудегі білім беру мекемелерінің, отбасы мен қоғамдық ұйымдардың рөліне ерекше назар аударылады. Қорытындылай келе, автор заңнаманы жақсарту және қоғамдағы зорлық-зомбылық деңгейін төмендетуге бағытталған профилактикалық іс-шаралардың тиімділігін арттыру бойынша ұсыныстар ұсынады.
Түйінді сөздер: ұрып-соғу, зорлық-зомбылық, қоғамдық тәртіп, себептер, қылмыстылық, әкімшілік құқық бұзушылық, әлеуметтік нормалар, алдын алу.
Сибагатуллин Финат Фаязович — адъюнкт Уфимского юридического института МВД России (Российская Федерация, г. Уфа)
Аннотация. В статье рассматривается вопрос о месте побоев в системе противоправных деяний против общественного порядка и общественной безопасности, а также посягающих на жизнь и здоровье человека и гражданина. Автором приведены исчерпывающие доводы о негативных последствиях совершения побоев для государства и общества. Отмечается, что побои продолжают оставаться общественно опасным явлением в настоящее время, особенно в молодежной среде. Автор считает, что основными причинами совершения побоев выступают такие явления, как отрицание права, низкий уровень правосознания, а также влияние социально-экономических факторов и культурных стереотипов.
В данной работе также анализируются существующие меры профилактики и наказания за данное правонарушение, а также поднимается вопрос о необходимости комплексного подхода к решению проблемы побоев. Особое внимание уделяется роли образовательных учреждений, семьи и общественных организаций в формировании культуры ненасилия и уважения к правам других людей. В заключении автор предлагает рекомендации по улучшению законодательства и повышению эффективности профилактических мероприятий, направленных на снижение уровня насилия в обществе.
Ключевые слова: побои, насилие, общественный порядок, мотивы, преступность, административные правонарушения, социальные нормы, профилактика.
Introduction. At present, beatings continue to be a socially dangerous phenomenon and is intensifying against the background of conflict genes, mainly in the youth environment. In our opinion, the main reason for the development of such conflictogenes in the youth environment is due to the factors of denial of law, the presence of low legal consciousness among minors, who most often commit such offenses and crimes as beatings. In the modern characteristic of committing beatings, as it was already mentioned, there are both offending actions and actions constituting signs of crimes provided by Art. 116 and 116.1 of the Criminal Code of the RF. This means that beatings are considered by law enforcer as an administrative offense in accordance with article 6.1.1 of the CAO RF and as a crime. In both cases, the harmfulness of committing battery and with the points of administrative and criminal legislation is not in doubt, but their distinction is made on formal grounds determined by the degree of public danger. Along with this, in our opinion, it would be appropriate to distinguish the corpus delicti of an administrative offense under article 6.1.1. of the CAO RF and corpus delicti, provided by articles 116 and 116.1 of the Criminal Code of the RF, since the degree of public danger alone, in praxiological plane[1], should not be the only basis for differentiation of administrative offenses and crimes, since in practice there may be situations when the victim of battery may consider it not as an administrative offense but as a crime and vice versa.
The main part. Beatings as a crime are characterized by the presence of guilt, the degree of public danger, motives, then from the standpoint of administrative legislation, to bring to administrative responsibility for the commission of beatings, it would seem that it is enough to bring to administrative responsibility for the commission of an administrative offense, that is, harm to health. causing physical pain to a person by striking and committing other violent illegal actions that did not cause minor harm to health and do not constitute a crime under Part 5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Meanwhile, in physiological respect between battery as an administrative offense and a crime there is no difference, as the objective side is characterized by the same actions, i.e. in both the first and the second case of battery is inflicted by the same means, the victim is recognized physical pain, which is not differentiated by the branch principle, it means that physical pain has the same properties and medical criteria. In this sense, the objective side of the studied administrative offense and crimes finds its difference only on the basis of synergetic interconnectedness of the objective and subjective side of the corpus delicti of crimes provided for by Articles 116 and 116.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, since battery in the criminal aspect is accompanied by additional criteria in the form of committing hooligan actions, different motivation set forth in the disposition of the above norms of the criminal law. This means that the motive for battery in the context of administrative legislation does not have such legal significance that is assumed in the qualification of the analyzed corpus delicti of crimes. On the other hand it does not mean that beating as an administrative offense is committed without motive, because when considering an administrative offense under article 6.11. of the CAO RF the court in addition to other materials constituting an administrative case can investigate materials characterizing the personality of the offender and in addition to this to identify the reasons for committing an administrative offense, what exactly prompted the offender to inflict beatings against the victim. Actually, helpless causing of beatings can be characterized by the behavior of insane persons, because in essence such category of persons does not give an account of their actions and therefore need special isolation from society and need treatment. As for sane and capable persons, the commission of battery by them also needs special and in-depth research, as some examples from practice show insufficiently justified positions of courts in terms of specifying the causes and conditions of the resulting conflict between the offender and the victim, and this in the system of current legal regulation has legal significance for the differentiation of administrative torts and criminal offenses. So the decision of the justice of the peace in the Sovetsky judicial district of Kazan was made to bring Mr. S. to administrative responsibility under Art. 6.1.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.
CAO RF. From the case materials it follows that 26.09.2023 approximately at 18:00 in the course of the conflict between the former spouses, the man struck the former spouse two blows with a fist on the right hand, which was subsequently considered as the infliction of physical pain and bodily injury in the form of bruises on the back and front surfaces of the right forearm, which respectively did not entail the consequences of the articles 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Meanwhile, it follows from the materials of the administrative case that the man did not inflict beatings on the former spouse, as it follows from the testimony of the offender that he pushed the victim with his hand to leave the apartment. In turn, judging by the materials of the court ruling, the woman also inflicted blows with her hands, from which the man tried to fight back. Apparently waving off such blows, the man caused physical pain and bodily harm to the former spouse. Which were subsequently qualified as an administrative offense.
A similar position of courts is observed in the case, according to which by the ruling of the magistrate of Volzhsky district of Saratov from 09.11.2022 gr-ka B. was found guilty under article of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation and she was fined 7000 rubles. In particular, from the case materials it follows that on 17.09.2022 gr. B. being in the elevator of an apartment building in the course of an arisen conflict struck blows on the head and body of the minor K. in connection with which the victim experienced physical pain. Basically, court rulings contain the same wording in terms of the conditions for committing such offenses. What the sudden or simply arisen conflicts that led to the infliction of beatings are related to does not seem to be of significant importance for the courts other than to discover the motives for committing unlawful acts that fit within the disposition of Articles 116 and 116.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In this regard, it should be noted that in this part of the circumstances to be proved under Article 73 of the CPC and the circumstances to be clarified in cases of administrative offenses under Article 26.1 of the CAO RF differ in terms of revealing the motives for committing unlawful acts. If in criminal cases the motive is a circumstance necessarily subject to proof, then in administrative cases, firstly, the motive is not specifically singled out as circumstances subject to clarification, and secondly, the motivation for committing an administrative offense, interpreted by law enforcers mainly as an optional feature, which is considered in the aspect of application of parts 3 and 7 of article 26.1 of the CAO in the form of circumstances relevant to the correct resolution of the case, as well as the causes and conditions of committing an administrative offense.
Returning to the issue of public danger of beatings it should be noted that beatings as such represent for society and the state public danger and harm, but the public danger of beatings is not so much that the criminal or offender causes physical pain or violent acts against people, but create conditions for the commission of more serious and socially dangerous crimes[2]. In particular, we should agree with P. A. Matushkin that the public danger of beatings is that they encroach on a fairly wide range of social relations[3]. In this sense, we support the position that beatings contribute to the violation of the calm situation in our urban and rural settlements, affect public morality in a negative way, but most importantly that beatings infringe on the physical and mental inviolability of the individual, so a normal person can form an idea of the level of observance of public order and public morality through personal assessments on the subject of infringements on the physical inviolability of the individual. On the quantitative indicator of committing beatings can be judged, first of all, about the state of the fight against crime, encroaching on the life and health of the population, as well as the degree of protection of people from criminal manifestations of unstable citizens of criminal type. D. V. Nemtinov notes that the public danger of beatings is that such crimes are capable of producing negative changes in social reality[4]. With this we should fully agree, as beatings, which are more frequent especially in the youth environment, should be considered in modern reality as a consequence of omissions, in the preventive work of public authorities, local government, in particular law enforcement agencies, and improper upbringing of minors in the family, for which, as is known, provides for administrative responsibility in respect of parents and other persons involved in the upbringing of minors. It is also necessary to agree with the opinion of A. P. Dmitrenko, and S. N. Sarnitsky that «the danger of beatings is also determined by the very fact of striking or causing physical pain, in which the perpetrator is not always able to accurately foresee whether the harm to health will occur and what degree of severity or not»[5]. This means that the person causing beatings presumptuously expects that he will not cause more serious harm to health.
Сonclusion. Thus, the social danger of beatings is that they create conditions for the commission of more serious crimes against human life and health. This negatively affects the state of protection of people, observance of guarantees of human and civil rights and freedoms, trust of citizens in the authorities called to protect human rights. The dynamics of committing beatings should be considered on the subject of public danger due to the fact that, as it was said earlier, such crimes and offenses can create conditions for negative changes in society.
Therefore, the state and civil society should take measures to counteract the analyzed offenses and crimes, without neglecting the institutions of the family, the prevention of juvenile crime, as well as the continuous improvement of the work of public authorities in the youth environment. It is important to develop educational programs aimed at fostering in young people a culture of non-violence and respect for the rights of others.
In addition, active cooperation between law enforcement agencies and social services is necessary in order to detect and prevent cases of violence in a timely manner. Educational institutions also play a key role in raising conscientious citizens who understand the importance of respecting everyone’s rights and freedoms.
It is equally important to work with victims of violence, providing them with the necessary resources and support that will not only help them to recover, but also to reduce their vulnerability to violence.
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